L’anno delle scelte, la decade della trasformazione. Ubs parla.

Seek returns in a Year of Choices and look toward investment opportunities in a Decade of Transformation.

As 2020 approaches, many investors are feeling anxious, with geopolitical tensions a primary source of their unease. That’s one of the key conclusions of the UBS Investor Watch, which surveyed global investors on their outlook for 2020 and beyond. So how should investors position amid this uncertainty? The UBS Chief Investment Office has released the Year Ahead 2020, which offers guidance on navigating the market and highlights key investment trends and opportunities.

Our recent UBS Investor Watch survey also revealed that 72% of investors describe the investment environment as more challenging than it was five years ago. From a CIO perspective, we too see challenges, and offer guidance on navigating the year ahead.

From the US presidential election to trade negotiations and fiscal policy, choices will increasingly shape outcomes in 2020. Keep reading to discover how we think these choices will play out, the impact they could have on your investments, and the choices you can make to help limit your vulnerability to these risks.